Introduction to SLS1672

What is SLS 1672: 2020?


SLS 1672 is the newly introduced standard which was published by Council of the Sri Lanka Standards Institution on 2020-05-20. This standard presents COVID-19 safety management system requirements for organizations.

For any organization, the application of well-planned COVID-19 safety management system is required to safeguard its interested parties from potential exposure to COVID-19 through its activities, products, and services. The objective of this management system is to create an environment without COVID-19 threats for its stakeholders.


Why SLS 1672: 2020?


2020 is a crucial year where many industries were hoping for a boom after the disastrous incident in 2019. However, with the COVID-19 outbreak, it became an unexpected tragic to all the businesses and individuals in all the industries around the world. Unlike any other incidents, COVID is a highly contagious and deadly. It spread from one person or organism to another typically by direct contact.


With the reopening of the industries after the lock-down, it is highly required to ensure your staff, customers and other interested parties to have confidence to be with your organization. Therefore, COVID-19 safety management system preserves the safety of staff, visitors (human element of the organizations) by applying a risk management process and gives confidence to the interested parties that risks are adequately managed and facilitates an excellent base for monitoring through the internationally accepted standard for endorsing industrial performances which unquestionably delighted by staff, customers and other interested parties.